About us

The Daily Ohel Bus makes it simple and affordable to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel. Whether it’s a regular day, a yoma depagra or you’re bringing a group, we’re here to bring you to the Rebbe’s Daled Amos at minimal cost and effort.

אוהל הרבי מליובאוויטש
אוהל הרבי ה'אוהל' הוא מקום קבורתו של הרבי מליובאוויטש, רבי מנח...
A huge success in Operation 10 shevat 5783
Subsidized buses will shuttle to and from the Rebbe’s Ohel eve...

226-20 Francis Lewis Blvd

Queens, NY 11411, USA

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792 Eastern Pkwy

Brooklyn, NY 11213, USA

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